Its been fun and games this month at the Harriers, with members "stepping forward" to lead us in exciting and interesting runs with our head torches illuminating the streets and alleyways of Brixham.
One very well attended event was a treasure hunt, carefully crafted by Dave and Simon, which had harriers darting around the town, solving clues, including counting bolts on the Breakwater Lighthouse.
Ingeniously the HQ was the Prince William Pub, which provided some much earned warmth and refreshment at the end.
Top marks to Linda and Ferne, who cracked the most clues and earned a choccie prize!
Of course we don't spend ALL our time in the pub, some of us run proper races too which this month has included the Exeter 10K and Bideford Half Marathon...
Exeter 10k
Becca, Dave and Simon R, braved a strong chilly wind to compete in the Exeter 10k at the end of February. Thankfully, by the start the rain had stopped and didn't pick up again until towards the end of the event. A two loop out and back course on the canal-side path provided a traffic free course, although a bit of dodging the occasional cyclist was involved.
PB's were pretty much out of the question with the strong wind, but all three were happy with their runs.
After the race, a warming coffee and hot chocolate went down very well in the Boatyard Bakery Cafe.
Bideford Half Marathon
Simon and Nikki headed off to Bideford for a 'swift half'....well that's how the organisers put it! It is pretty flat...well actually, by Devon standards, it's pancake flat.
It's one big loop, with the outward half on road and the return on the Tarka Trail, a disused railway line that is now a tarmac path. The river Torridge is on your left the whole way, as you cross it at the turn around point. Three very well managed water stops....or maybe better described as 'run throughs' make sure you're never getting dehydrated. Which was just as well, because although it had rained heavily both hours before and hours after the event, it was actually unseasonably hot during the run, and Simon poured water on his head at two of the stops to cool down, Nikki carried all her own water, so didn't need to worry.
A colourful event t-shirt, a big medal and some fruit was the reward, provided by very friendly race crew. Both Harriers were pleased with their results, and these were updated every couple of minutes, so not only could you quickly see your actual finish was a chipped event.... you could also see if friends had already finished or not....quite handy. Easy parking and plenty of loos made for a very well organised relaxing event.