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A Fantastic February Afoot !


It's all-go at the Harriers.... Here's a round up of our achievements this month

Parkrun Tourism Teignmouth and.... Torquay?

Its always nice to ring the changes now and again, so on11th Feb 9 Harriers and Ted- the-dog got up half-an-hour early, to head to the Parkrun at Teignmouth seafront, This is a dead flat course with two-and-a-half laps of the promenade. It's not an easy course for a fast time, as it's narrow in places and has a a very busy start-line, but that didn't stop Sarah notching up a PB.

Rebecca and Dave also did a parkrun in Torquay on 18th. Now some of you may be thinking doing a parkrun in Torquay isn't exactly much to write home about... well this one is Torquay near Melbourne Australia, now that is commitment to the cause!

Shrove Tuesday Flat as a Pancake Run... with added pancakes.

Our run leaders have been very creative with our routes this month, with Kenyan Hill reps, Strava hearts on St Valentines day, and a "Flat as a Pancake" route on Shrove Tuesday, which finished at Johnny & Linda's house where we all had a flipping good night of Pancakes, Pints and Prosecco. No Photos of this one, we were all too busy having a good time!

Four go t'moor

Carl shares his experience of the "Hameldown Hammer" a tough trail race across Dartmoor with challenging terrain so called because the route map looks like a hammer. Dave did the 10k route whilst Carl, Linda and Hilary took on the Half Marathon distance.

It was a beautiful sunny day, the course was mostly dry - the odd icy patch was a little challenging - and you could see for miles around.

The first five Km in both races is straight up hill. No preamble, no getting your legs ready; just a turn after 20m and up and up and up. I walked all the steep bits of the course and many of the bits I'd not usually think of as steep. Legs were jelly for the last four km, and it'd be fair to say I don't like steep downhills.

All four of us completed a well organised and friendly 'race'. You should try it next year. Lots of hills in Brixham to practice on! Roast dinner and a pint afterwards felt lush.

Linda and Hilary with their wooden finisher medals

Dave also put his medal to good use on his return home!!

A PB for Sarah at Brighton Half Marathon

Sarah continues to go from strength-to-strength this season and put in a magnificent performance at the Brighton Half Marathon finishing in 2:14 and notching up another Personal Best. - well done from all the Harriers

Coming up in March

As I write this Susan is winging her way to Tokyo for the Marathon which if all goes to plan will mean she will have completed all 6 world major marathons and earn a very special medal, knowing Susan there will also be some unusual park runs in her trip too- watch this space!

We are also planning a cycle trip to Moreton Hampstead (I know we are a running club, but apparently cycling is good cross-training... oh and there is a nice pub there)

On 11th March our Fabulous Couch to 5k group will be celebrating the completion of their programme with a special park run and cakes.

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